Klaviyo + Stamped Loyalty & Rewards

  • Updated

With Klaviyo Integration, you'll now be able to create an automated email to target specific customer groups based on their recent Loyalty & Rewards events.

For example, you can send a 'Happy Birthday' email to the customer on their birthday.

It's also possible to include the customer's balance rewards points, VIP tier, or Referral Link as a section in your email template, to be used in campaigns.

Note: The integration is available on the Business, Professional, and Enterprise plan 

In This Guide

Activating The Integration

  1. In Klaviyo Settings, find and copy the Public API Key / Site ID + Private API key for Stamped: 
  2. Paste the API Key in https://go.stamped.io/v3/#/settings/apps/klaviyo
  3. Save and done.


When a new review is received after the integration has been enabled, a "Custom Event" will be created in the Customer's Klaviyo profile.

Possible Tracking Events

These tracking events will be pushed to Klaviyo customer's profile:

  • EarnAccountNew
    Note: When the customer signs up for an account
  • EarnAccountBirthday
    Note: On the customer's birthday
  • EarnOrderNew
    Note: When the customer makes a purchase
  • EarnSocialFollowInstagram
    Note: When the customer follow on Instagram
  • EarnSocialFollowFacebook
    Note: When the customer follow on Facebook
  • EarnSocialShareFacebook
    Note: When the customer share on Facebook
  • EarnSocialFollowTwitter
    Note: When the customer follow on Twitter
  • EarnSocialShareTwitter
    Note: When the customer share on Twitter
  • EarnSocialYouTube
    Note: When the customer subscribes to Youtube Channel
  • EarnReview
    Note: When the customer submits a review
  • EarnReviewPhoto
    Note: When the customer uploads a photo for their review
  • EarnReviewVideo
    Note: When the customer uploads a video for their review
  • EarnReviewNPS
    Note: When the customer completes the NPS survey
  • EarnQuestionAnswer
    Note: When an answer is submitted for a question via Community Q&A
  • ReceivedReferral
    Note: Event added to a friend who received the referral from the advocate
  • SharedReferral
    Note: When customers sends a referral to a friend via the email option in the launcher/referral widget
  • ReferredCustomer
    Note: When a customer successfully refers a friend, who completes a purchase using the redeemed code
  • AcceptedReferral
    Note: When the friend signs up via referral link and claims the discount code
  • VIPTierUpdated
    Note: Customer's VIP tier has been updated
  • SpendRewardRedeemed
    Note: When the customer redeems points for rewards

Creating a Segment to Filter for Tracking Events

You can create a segment in Klaviyo to group the customers according to the events (customers who submitted a positive review in one segment, negative review in another etc.)

  1. Head over to Lists & Segments under the left menu:


  2. Create a new segment:


  3. Select "What someone has done (or not done)" under the definition drop-down list, which filters for tracking events:
  4. Search for Stamped's tracking events, which will be under the API category:


  5. Fill up the rest of the details for the segment as required.

Here's a detailed guide from Klaviyo on creating a segment: https://help.klaviyo.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005237908-Create-a-Segment

Common Use-case and Example

- Create a flow to send an email for new customers who have signed up for the Loyalty & Rewards program:


- Create a flow to send an email when customers have redeemed points for rewards:


Including Customer Properties Into The Email Template

These properties will be pushed to Klaviyo customer's profile:

  • stamped_rewards_birthday
  • stamped_rewards_points 
  • stamped_rewards_referral_link
  • stamped_rewards_vip_tier
  1. Click on a text-block of your email template where you would like to include the properties:


  2. Click on the "Insert Property" dropdown box


  3. Enter "stamped_rewards" in the search field for easy access to the available customers' properties for our Loyalty & Rewards program
  4. Select the customer property that you would like to include in your email
  5. Click on the Save button.

Common Use-case and Example of Customer Properties

- Reminder email to Loyalty & Rewards customers to shop and spend their points if they have not made a purchase in 6 months, with the customer's current points pulled into the email:

1. Create a segment for Loyalty & Rewards customers who have not shopped in your store for the last 6 months:


2. Create a flow with the segment created above, followed by an email


3. Use the customer properties ( stamped_rewards_points) in the email to dynamically update and display the point that your customer has



Sync Unsubscribers & Customer Properties

Once the integration is set up, you can proceed to use the 2 sync options available:

  1. Sync Unsubscribers
    This will sync the unsubscribe list from Klaviyo over to Stamped, which ensures that customers who have unsubscribed to your stores' email will not receive an email from Stamped as well.
  2. Sync Customer Properties
    Rewards information within Stamped's dashboard will sync over to Klaviyo and populate the customer properties, here's an example:


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